October 29, 2021

Kelsey Gonzalez to take the reins as executive director of Lake Cares Food Pantry

1.5 min read| Published On: October 29th, 2021|

By Akers Editorial

Kelsey Gonzalez to take the reins as executive director of Lake Cares Food Pantry

1.5 min read| Published On: October 29th, 2021|

Drawing on nearly 15 years as nonprofit executive and educator, Kelsey Gonzalez emerged as the choice from 200 applicants in a national search to take the reins as executive director of Lake Cares Food Pantry after the current director, Irene O’Malley, retires on Dec. 31. 

Lake Cares is Lake County, Florida’s primary antidote for food insecurity supporting some 325 families weekly — a clientele comprised largely of disabled individuals or seniors and working-age families — by distributing more than 100,000 pounds of food monthly.

‘We are delighted that the national search for our executive director position has identified Kelsey Gonzalez, a local resident, as the new executive director of Lake Cares Food Pantry,” Cathy Hoechst, chairwoman of the Lake Care Board of Directors, says in a news release, adding: “Kelsey has a proven record of leadership and will provide undisputed value to our clients, donors, staff, and volunteers.”

Kelsey is thrilled to be part of Lake Cares family.

“Lake Cares has such a great reputation in our community as being a safe and welcoming place for those in need. I was excited to have the opportunity to become a part of this,” she adds in the release. “I felt like I could take my expertise of working at the Boys & Girls Club for the last 15 years and put it into place at Lake Cares. Lake Cares helps families, individuals, children, seniors, and the disabled have a trusted place to come for food and for help with getting back on their feet. This organization is an opportunity to give a loving hand up to those who may be down … My hope is to continue to build community partnerships with area chambers, organizations, businesses, and residents to provide for our clients. Lake Cares not only feeds people, but it also provides tools and resources for our clients to better their lives — like giving direction on applying for food stamps or navigating the system to become insured. I look forward to working with our team of volunteers which is such a vital part of Lake Cares. I am also excited to work closely with our board members to carry out our mission: ‘Feed the Body, Educate the Mind & Lift the Spirit of All Individuals’.”

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About the Author: Akers Editorial

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