December 31, 2023

Final Thought: Oh No, Not Those Eyes!

2 min read| Published On: December 31st, 2023|

By Roxanne Brown

Final Thought: Oh No, Not Those Eyes!

2 min read| Published On: December 31st, 2023|

Sure I can say ‘no’ to our fur babies; just give me a blindfold.

Although I have no grandkids to speak of yet, you can still call me grandma… to two spoiled fur babies who may as well be children.

Meet Remi Lulu, a very hyper beagle who turns 4 next month; and Cinnamon, aka Cinni Mini, an endearing chihuahua-French boxer mix we’ve had for nearly 10 years but whose actual age is unknown. 

The two technically belong to our grown kids, who live at home while saving money to move out. But that’s neither here nor there. The point is that when they’re not home, it’s me — or hubby on his days off — who looks after the grands. And what a handful they are!

As a 2024 New Year’s resolution, I’ve committed to not giving into their heart-melting puppy-dog eyes, which most of the time, proves tough to do. 

That being said, and much like most kids, Remi and Cinni manage to find trouble often. They get into playful and very loud scuffles. Remi chews on anything she can sink her teeth into, including razors, toilet paper, trash, socks, stuffed animals, toothbrushes, retainers — you name it! 

Occasionally, one or both have accidents inside that we end up having to clean up. They are constant beggars when it comes to people food. And they love to escape. They’ve also been known to interrupt quiet times by barking or howling at unseen intruders (or things like our Roomba, broom, doorbell, Christmas tree, etc.). Remi, who hates being left alone, also cries like a baby upon our return because she’s so happy, then immediately grabs her toy for a game of fetch.

The problem is scolding them when they do something wrong and sticking to it without being worn down by their heartwarming tail wags and kisses. And those eyes. Remi has even mastered the art of cuddling. She finds the coziest spots right next to me or climbs onto my lap, nestling her head against my neck or cheek, intentionally obstructing my view of the TV or my cell phone.

Additionally, both demand loads of attention, affection and care. Plus, the money required to keep up with food, toys and health matters is nuts. Still, all that is nothing compared to the laughter, warmth and love they bring to our lives.

As we embark on a new year, I look forward to the adventures — both delightful and exasperating — that Remi and Cinni will undoubtedly bring.

And like any parent, I wouldn’t trade the cuddles, their unconditional love, or even the chaos, for anything.

But when it comes to my New Year’s resolution, forget it. There’s always next year, because I know I won’t be able to meet the challenge of maintaining total discipline in the face of Remi and Cinni’s sad little eyes.

I can only imagine human grandbabies one day. I’ll happily stand no chance whatsoever! 

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About the Author: Roxanne Brown

Originally from Nogales, Arizona, Roxanne worked in the customer service industry while writing independently for years. After moving to Florida in 1999, Roxanne eventually switched her career path to focus more on writing and went on to become an award-winning reporter for The Daily Commercial/South Lake Press newspapers for 16 years prior to coming on board with Akers Media as a staff writer in July 2020 – her dream job come true.

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