By Theresa Campbell
Outstanding Student: Ashley Rosenmund

First woman student to earn industry certification in carpentry at Leesburg High School.
Interviewer: Theresa Campbell
Photo: Douglas Tyler
- Parents: Christopher and Stephanie Rosenmund, of Fruitland Park.
- Only woman in her construction classes.
- Graduated in May from Leesburg High School.
- Plans to attend Lake-Sumter State College for nursing studies.
My motto:
Everything will be fine, you just got to give it time.
Future goals and dreams:
To work in the nursing field.
Favorite possession:
My silver truck.
Best advice I’ve been given:
Stay strong.
Favorite high school subjects:
Math and construction classes.
What was it like with all male peers in construction classes?
There was some teasing. I just ignored it and kept doing what I was supposed to be doing.
Favorite carpentry projects:
Making picnic tables, fence posts and building stairs for houses for Habitat for Humanity.
My best learning style:
My hero/inspiration:
My mom. She has pushed me to do things that I don’t think I can accomplish. She has faith in me, and she’s been the biggest influence in my life.
The thrill of winning the carpentry award:
I didn’t think I would get it because I started in carpentry in my senior year.
Advice to other girls about construction classes:
The classes are really fun, and it teaches you that you can do projects by yourself.
What people don’t know about me:
Most people are surprised about the carpentry award and they’re saying, “I am so proud of you!”
Favorite activity:
Singing. Sometimes me and my dad go to Legends restaurant in Fruitland Park and we do karaoke.
If I could trade places with someone for a day:
I would trade places with (actress) Jennifer Aniston.
Favorite food:
Steak, cooked medium-well.
Pet peeve:
When people don’t check to see if rumors are true.
If I could have dinner with anyone living or dead, it would be:
My paternal grandmother.
Best day of my life:
Graduation on May 17.
What makes me happy:
Family, music and my four dogs.
Originally from Anderson, Ind., Theresa worked for The Herald-Bulletin for many years. After experiencing a winter with 53 inches of snow, her late husband asked her to get a job in Florida, and they headed south. Well known in the area, Theresa worked with The Daily Sun and The Daily Commercial prior to joining Akers.