By Akers Editorial
August 2022 Hit List

1 | Back to School Time
Drivers, be on the lookout for school buses as the 2022-’23 school year begins this month. Lake County Schools’ first day of classes is Aug.10, and Sumter County students head back to class on Aug. 15.
2 | Food for Thought
Despite no longer qualifying to receive funding for a free meals program, Lake County Schools announced it will continue providing free breakfast and lunch to all students into the 2022-’23 school year.
3 | Supplying Success
Leesburg Elementary and Eustis Elementary are two of six schools that won the XL 106.7 Baby DJ – School Supply Giveaway. Johnny Magic, host of Johnny’s House Morning Show, created Baby DJ, Inc. (a non-profit) 30 years ago to assist the community in various ways. Johnny asked his listening audience to nominate a Central Florida Title I school to receive student supplies for the entire school. Leesburg Elementary and Eustis Elementary were selected from over 1,000 nominations.
4 | Live Model Drawing
Leesburg Center for the Arts, 429 West Magnolia St., Leesburg, will ofter artists the opportunity to draw a clothed live model, 5:30-7p.m., Aug. 17. The cost is $10 for CFA members, $15 for non-members. For information, contact Maria Stefanovic at 352.365.0232 or email
5 | Birds and Butterflies
You’re invited to assist Lake County Parks Dept. staff survey birds and butterflies that inhabit the county’s conservation areas at Lake May Reserve, 36300 County Road 44A, Eustis. For more details about this free event at 7:30 a.m on Aug.13, call Gallus Quigley at 352.253.4950 or email gquigley@lakecountyfl.gov.
6 | Elect to Vote
Election season is here. Don’t forget to exercise your American right and privilege to vote. The 2022 primary election is August 23. Early voting will be held August 11-20 at various sites throughout Lake County. Please check the Lake County Supervisor of Elections website lakevotes.com for a list of early voting locations.
7 | Get Paddled in Paisley
Nature lovers are invited to Ellis Acres Reserve, 25302 County Road 42, Paisley, at 9 a.m., Aug. 20, for an open house at the Nature Center. You can hike the trail to Lake Akron, where kayaks and canoes will be available to paddle along the shoreline and enjoy nature. Available seats are limited and will be on a first come, first serve basis. For more details, contact Wendy Poag at 352.516.7456 or email wpoag@lakecountyfl.gov.
8 | Going Up
Just call it the Rocky Mountains of Florida. Green Mountain Scenic Overlook, located off County Road 455 in Minneola, is a 132-foot elevated boardwalk that offers exceptional views of the 312-foot Sugarloaf Mountain, one of the highest points in peninsular Florida. The overlook is ideal for bird and butterfly watching, with nearly 100 species of birds and 20 species of butterflies.
9 | Be Beary Aware
There has been an increase of black bear sightings near residential communities in Lake County. If you encounter a black bear, please follow these tips provided by the National Park Service.
1) Do not run. Bears chase fleeing animals.
2) Do not climb a tree. Black bears can also climb trees.
3) Make yourself look as large as possible.
4) Stay calm. A scream or sudden movement may trigger an attack.
9 | Say ‘No’ to Hot Dogs:
The Humane Society of the United States reminds us that the summer months can be uncomfortable – even dangerous – for dogs and other pets. The organization’s top tips for keeping pets safe in the heat include never leaving them in a parked car, limiting their outside exercise on hot or very humid days to early mornings or evenings, providing them with plenty of shade and water, watching for signs of heatstroke (plus seeking help immediately if needed), and walking pets on grass whenever possible, especially in the heat of the day when asphalt can be hot enough to burn their paws. For additional tips and information visit humanesociety.org.