By Akers Editorial
James Combs’ Hit List

- A Leesburg man won $5 million after purchasing a lottery scratch-off ticket. I just hope the payment plan isn’t $5 a year for the next million years.
- Florida legislators in Tallahassee are trying to pass a new law to allow law enforcement officers to pull over motorists who are texting or emailing. Let me say this loud and clear: I CANNOT STAND PEOPLE WHO TEXT AND DRIVE. In fact, when I see other drivers texting, I roll down my window and throw my beer at them.
- A bicyclist who was pulled over by a Leesburg police officer for not having a working taillight fired his gun and hit the patrol car windshield. Shooting at a police officer during a routine traffic stop? I’d say this guy is a true cycle-path.
- A Tavares man was arrested after drowning a raccoon he deemed a nuisance. Yes, I can understand his frustration when the animal entered his home, but was it really a matter of life and breath?
- A rising country music star was charged with driving under the influence after he allegedly rear-ended someone at a McDonald’s drive-thru in Eustis. That should give him great material for an upcoming song. After all, alcohol is the main subject in 99 percent of country songs.
- A bill sponsored by a state senator who represents South Lake to allow concealed guns at churches on private school campuses was “shot” down by the Florida Senate Judiciary Committee. Could you imagine if it had passed? I can just hear the pastor after giving announcements and talking about upcoming events. “Oh, don’t forget that next Sunday we’re going to begin offering weekly target practice after our 11am service.”