By Akers Editorial
Kandi Blakeslee and Lory Baxley | Lake Centre Home Care

Kandi Blakeslee, Community Liaison (L) | Lory Baxley, Head Of Business Development (R)
Q. We always hear about the importance of vitamin C. With that said, how does vitamin D play a role in our health?
A. When people discussed the health benefits of vitamin D in the past, the conversation always focused on bone health. These days, however, scientists are conducting research and finding that good health is correlated with sufficient vitamin D levels. Vitamin D has been left in the dark for many years, but the coronavirus outbreak has brought it to the forefront.
Symptoms of low vitamin D levels are fatigue, bone and joint pain, muscle weakness, and even depression. Researchers have found that vitamin D plays a role in oral health, the immune system, respiratory health, insulin production, bone health, inflammation, and cognitive health. It’s obvious that vitamin D plays a big factor in our overall health. Moreover, a study conducted in 2021 by the University of Florida revealed that patients with vitamin D deficiency are two to four times more likely to be COVID 19 positive.
Ten years ago, a study was conducted on how many people were vitamin D deficient in the U.S. Forty-two percent were deficient. In Florida, you’d think people wouldn’t be as deficient because vitamin D is derived from sunlight. However, the same study found that 38 percent of people in Miami were vitamin D deficient.
To find out your vitamin D level, you must get a lab done by a physician’s order called the 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D test. Fortunately, there are easy remedies for low levels. Certain foods and beverages are high in vitamin D, including salmon, mushrooms, egg yolks, fortified milk, and orange juice. You can also spend time out in the sunlight without using sunscreen and making sure an efficient amount of skin is exposed to the sun’s rays because it absorbs through your skin. You can also take supplements.
The National institute of Health recommends up to 600 International Units (IUS) a day for adults ages 19 through 70 and 800 IUS a day for adults 70 and older.
We want our patients at Lake Centre Home Care to be as healthy as possible. Everyone is always looking to tackle big health problems, but we’re focusing on the easy things people can do to improve their health. Increasing your vitamin D levels is not difficult. Also, we have the flu season coming up, and a low vitamin D level is correlated with the susceptibility of infection.
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352.315.0050 / 310 Market St. Leesburg / golchc.com