By Akers Editorial
Lake County to enter Phase 2 of Reopening plan

As a result of the COVID-19 order that Governor Ron DeSantis signed on June 3 allowing entertainment venues, bars and other businesses to re-open with restricted capacity, Lake County will enter Phase 2 of its Reopen Plan on Friday, June 5.
To view the specifics of Phase 2 visit ReopenLake.com, which outlines a detailed public health plan to guide residents, businesses and stakeholders through the recovery process established by Gov. Ron DeSantis. Reopen Lake is Lake County’s plan for restoring economic stability with special consideration to public health on the path to social normalcy and pandemic resilience.
To aid Lake County businesses with economic recovery, the Board of County Commissioners in May requested that the State of Florida provide Lake County with some of the federal funding that the State received.
“As one of the Florida counties deemed ineligible to receive a direct allocation of the CARES Act funding provided to the State of Florida because we did not meet the population threshold, Lake County is seeking immediate action to fairly distribute the remainder of that funding to assist all counties in providing aid to our residents and businesses,” says Lake County Commission Chairman Leslie Campione in a letter written to Governor Ron DeSantis on behalf of the Board.
To find the main guidelines and requirements for Phase 2 as pertaining to individuals and employers, visit ReopenLake.com.
Opening protocols are as follows:
-All persons in Florida are encouraged to follow appropriate social distancing and safety protocols issued by the CDC and OSHA.
-Senior citizens and individuals with a significant underlying medical condition are strongly encouraged to avoid crowds and take measures to limit the risk of exposure to COVID-19.
-All persons in Florida are encouraged to avoid congregating in groups larger than 50 persons.
-Individuals should avoid all travel and cruises, unless the traveling is for commercial activity or for the purpose of academic work, internships, sports training and any other activity or program approved by the educational institution. This includes travel to U.S. states and cities outside of Florida with substantial community spread of COVID-19. Individuals coming to FLorida from an area with substantial community spread, such as the NY Tri-State Area, should adhere to CDC guidelines regarding isolation for 14 days upon arrival in Florida.
To sign up for the latest emergency notifications regarding COVID-19, text COVIDUPDATE to 888777 or visit lakecountyfl.gov/COVID-19 and follow Emergency Management at facebook.com/LakeCountyFLEmergencyManagement and twitter.com/lakeemergency. Residents may also call the Citizens Information Line at 352.253.9999 from 9am to 5pm daily.