By Akers Editorial
Mount Dora plans virtual 5K race

In an effort to help people be creative with social distancing, the city of Mount Dora is hosting a virtual 5K race.
Anyone can sign up for the virtual race by signing up online, according to a news release from the city. Participants will choose their own starting line which can be in their neighborhood, down a trail or even on their own treadmill at home. After the distance has been run, walked or jogged, the time can be uploaded to social media with the hashtags: #WeRunThisCity and #MountDoraVirtual5K.
“Leisure Services staff are excited to host our first virtual race when it is needed most due to social distancing requirements. We hope the race motivates and inspires people to set a new personal goal, challenge a friend, enjoy nature, or exercise with family members,” says Leisure Services Director Amy Jewell in the news release.
Anyone who logs their time will receive a medal in the mail as a way for the city to say thank you for participation.
The city recognizes the virtual race as a way to stay healthy while adhering to the CDC guidelines of social distancing. The virtual race will be held May 1-3 and the cost is $22 to participate.
To register, go to cityofmountdorarecreation.com.
For more information, contact Michael Davis with Mount Dora Recreation at davism@cityofmountdora.com.