By Roxanne Brown
New Year, New You

Stepping up my game
No resolution resolutions … and no excuses.
New year, new you.
Yeah, well, I wish it were that easy.
I don’t know how many years I’ve spent making, and breaking resolutions. And not to let myself off the hook, but that’s where the saying ‘life happens’ comes in.
Take my most common New Year’s resolution which goes something like, “This year, I’m going to eat healthier, exercise more, and lose weight!”
Well, my overall goal is to do that. Realistically, I know it takes work, time, and money for a gym membership, cute workout outfits, and, ideally, a personal trainer who knows what they’re doing and who will keep me accountable.
With kids to help keep on their feet, bills, car and house payments, groceries, dogs to feed, gas, and other unexpected expenses, you know, life again… who can afford all that?
Still, I’m not giving up. But instead of putting so much pressure on myself and inevitably experiencing disappointment, I’m changing my wording to, “I will try my very best this year to lose the 25 pesky pounds I gained during the pandemic by eating right and simply exercising way more.”
Yes, you heard me right. I gained 25 pounds during the pandemic. And although my weight has remained steady, I haven’t lost the extra pounds due to not being able to motivate myself back to my pre-pandemic workout routine.
Next, “I will try my very best this year to keep in better touch with my family and friends.”
I say this because around May of 2022, I sent one of my daughter’s high school graduation announcements to a friend and former co-worker I hadn’t talked to in many months. She didn’t respond, and thinking back, I should’ve immediately tried contacting her, but life again.
I just thought, “Hmmm, that’s strange, but it’s ok, one of us will call each other soon, and we’ll catch up like we always, always do.”
Well, imagine how floored I was when the announcement was returned to me unopened, and with a note saying she’d died nearly a year ago. I just stood there and cried, and to this day, it haunts me.
At one point in both instances, I blamed the pandemic for getting us used to going months without doing things we were used to doing before. But that’s it, I’m moving forward and getting back to a few pre-pandemic norms.
Not getting to the gym regularly, and not picking up the phone to talk with people I love and who I haven’t seen or heard from in months, is totally on me.
So, hello 2023, and with that, “I will try my very best this year to majorly step up my efforts!”
Care to join me? I could sure use the support.
Originally from Nogales, Arizona, Roxanne worked in the customer service industry while writing independently for years. After moving to Florida in 1999, Roxanne eventually switched her career path to focus more on writing and went on to become an award-winning reporter for The Daily Commercial/South Lake Press newspapers for 16 years prior to coming on board with Akers Media as a staff writer in July 2020 – her dream job come true.