By Theresa Campbell
Outstanding Student: Addisyn Melanson

Ambitious Eustis student has danced in New York City, instructed by Radio City Rockettes.
Photo: Nicole Hamel
Vital Stats
- Will turn 12 on Jan. 12.
- A 6th grade student at Eustis Middle School.
- Recently competed in the Amazing Race for Charity with her brother.
- Daughter of James and Kim Melanson.
Favorite subject: Math, because my teacher is nice and because I like figuring problems out.
School participation: I’m a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, I play trumpet in band, and I want to get involved in student government.
A special honor: I currently hold two titles, Junior Miss Eustis and Junior Lake County Fair. I have held six titles.
Two things I enjoy: Dancing and volunteering.
About my dancing: Dance is my passion and I have been dancing since I was 3 at Dance Depot. The styles I dance are jazz, tap, contemporary, ballet, acro and hip-hop. I’m a competitive dancer and in November 2019, I danced in New York City instructed by the Radio City Rockettes. I was also a competitive baton twirler, twirling for five years until my schedule got too busy. One day I hope to twirl again.
What I enjoy about volunteering: I love the opportunity it gives to become more involved in the community and that I get to know the city government officials, especially Mayor Holland. My favorite part is volunteering and serving my community at festivals and any other chance I get. I have been volunteering since I was 4.
Favorite Eustis events: The Amazing Race for Charity which raises money for local charities, and Georgefest, a three-day celebration every year.
What inspires me: My family and how they are always there for me. They always support and encourage me in everything I do or want to try.
Best advice: My mom always says to do your best and forget the rest and always be kind and humble.
When I grow up, I want to be: A veterinarian so I can help animals.
How I spend my free time: Playing with friends, going on trips with my family, and spending time with my pets.
My pets: I have two cats and three dogs; all rescue pets, and I have a fish from the fair.
What I want for Christmas: A cell phone.
Nickname: The city manager of Eustis once gave me the nickname Miss Gigglesworth because I was always giggling when I was Tiny Miss Eustis and Little Miss Eustis.
Originally from Anderson, Ind., Theresa worked for The Herald-Bulletin for many years. After experiencing a winter with 53 inches of snow, her late husband asked her to get a job in Florida, and they headed south. Well known in the area, Theresa worked with The Daily Sun and The Daily Commercial prior to joining Akers.