By Akers Editorial
Pig on the Pond sunk for 2020, Project Scholars announces

The pond won’t be the same this year—no pig.
Project Scholars, the nonprofit parent organization and host of Pig on the Pond Community Festival, announced Friday the postponement of the annual event, scheduled for March 6-8 at Waterfront Park in Clermont.
The event was postponed until March 5-7, 2021, after the withdrawal of the event planner because of unexpected personal circumstances, a news release states. The Project Scholars board voted to not stage this year’s festival due to lack of preparation time for the event, which includes live entertainment, carnival rides, fireworks and more.
“We regret having to postpone this event and apologize for any inconvenience and disappointment,” Paul Rountree, Project Scholars board president, says in the release. “We look forward to hosting Pig on the Pond Community Festival in 2021.”
Pig on the Pond is the signature event and major fundraiser of Project Scholars. The event was created 21 years ago to raise funds for educational scholarships. Since 2003, more than $800,000 in scholarships has been awarded to over 400 students.
Paul says that thanks to reserve funds, all of the current students receiving scholarships will continue to do so. He adds that the board is in the process of receiving applications in order to award four new, four-year scholarships in the spring.
Project Scholars is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Clermont. The mission of Project Scholars is “nurturing dreams through education” by providing four-year scholarships to South Lake County students, the release states. For more details, visit ourprojectscholars.org and pigonthepond.org.