By Akers Editorial
Running for office

The quest to serve is an adrenaline rush.
Story: Peyton Grinnell
In 2016, I filed to run for public office, sheriff of Lake County. It felt like a natural progression after serving in the Marine Corps and, at that time, for more than 20 years in law enforcement. I felt confident I knew what this position entailed because I had served as the chief deputy for 10 years.
However, this first time running for office taught me a great deal. I had the opportunity to make impactful personal connections and learn first-hand the needs of those living in our great county. I was asking voters to trust in my ability to address their concerns. I made friends on the campaign trail and worked harder than ever. The passion to serve our community was like an adrenaline rush. Our campaign was full of energy and excitement. I wanted to do my best to take this agency to the next level. Doing anything for the first time can be intimidating, but I watched as an incredible team assembled to support me. Seeing people believe in you makes you step up your game to not let them down.
With each campaign event, I was inspired. Some of the best advice given to me was “Just be myself.” I take that to heart, even today, as I serve the people. I believe a servant leader should be caring, trustworthy, and humble, and I strive to exude these qualities.
Being born and raised in Lake County, I wanted the opportunity to give back to the county that provided so much for me and my family. That first campaign gave me the opportunity to share my beliefs and vision with the citizens. In the blink of an eye, a second campaign is on the horizon, and I am excited to see what the future holds. After all, election time is my report card.