By Cindy Peterson
Outstanding Student: Sami Zubowicz

FFA champion gallops toward career helping animals.
My greatest accomplishment: During my time in FFA I have earned many awards and accomplished much, but I’d say my top award would be earning my FFA State Degree, which is only earned by 1% of FFA members across the nation. I have competed in the FFA dairy evaluation team competition and moved onto the state level, placing 6th in the state as a team. I am now working on getting my American degree, which is only earned by less than of 1% of FFA members.
I want everyone to know that: I love animals, I love helping my community, I always want everyone that I meet to feel welcome, and I always work hard at everything I do.
A saying or mantra I live by: Always look at every bad situation as a lesson.
My greatest quality: Probably my work ethic.
My future plans are: To attend Santa Fe College, study Animal Science, and then transfer to the University of Florida and attend their vet school.
Topping my playlist: Anything by Morgan Wallen.
I admire: My mom. She works hard to provide for my sister and I, and I will always see her as the most hard-working person in my life.

If I could have one superpower, it would be: Extreme knowledge, because then I could help solve all the world’s problems.
My message to the world: Don’t look at a bad situation as something to push you back, but use whatever that situation is to learn and grow from it.
Favorite movie: Mamma Mia!, because I love to travel and that movie is based in Greece. I just love the overall vibes that the movie gives off.
Originally from the small town of Berryville, Arkansas, Cindy has become a multimedia specialist in journalism, photography, videography, and video editing. She has a B.S. in Communications from the University of Central Arkansas and produces Style Magazine's Sports Hub Podcast and the Healthy Living Podcast. She also produces for Beacon College’s Telly Award-winning PBS show, “A World of Difference.” When she isn’t working, Cindy loves traveling the National Parks with her husband , Ryan, and son, David, photographing wildlife.