By Akers Editorial
The Hit List

I pledge not to bully…: Hats off to Leesburg High School for finding success with a new program, Pledge Not to Bully, sponsored by Rotary Interact Club, a service club for children ages 12-18.
“By pledging not to bully, students are making a commitment to their family, friends, and community to address this issue. Students are provided with a card, wrist band, pin, and T-shirt as a sign of their commitment to stand up to bullying at Leesburg High School,” says Michael Randolph, LHS principal, who says there has been a decrease in suspensions at the school.
Rotarian Dave van de Velde believes the program deserves to be expanded all over the globe. “We have not found one school that does not have bullying problems,” he says. “We have not found a program that does what ours does: stop bullying before it starts.”
The ‘Holy Grail’ of shows: And now for something completely different: Monty Python’s “Spamalot.” Enjoy the farcical musical comedy about King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, along with show girls, flying cows, killer rabbits, and French people. The shows are at 7pm Jan. 16-17 at The Sharon, 1051 Main St., The Villages. Tickets for $50-$100 go on sale Nov. 7 at all Villages box offices.
Think outside the kitchen: Don’t be a turkey by working overtime in your kitchen on Thanksgiving. Instead, spend a more relaxing holiday at Mission Inn Resort and Club, where Thanksgiving feasts are offered at two restaurants: Nicker’s and La Hacienda. Enjoy traditional holiday favorites, a fresh seafood bar, signature carving stations, salads, and breads. For reservations, call 352.324.3101.
A sporting adventure: Come out every Saturday until Thanksgiving and enjoy some good ol’ American baseball with the Miracle League. This is a league for people with disabilities that plays at 10am Saturdays at Miracle Field at Lake Idamere Park, 12335 County Road 448, Tavares.
Mother Goose and Dr. Seuss: We at Style loved seeing a sweet baby shower invitation that encouraged guests to bring a children’s book in lieu of a card. Both cost about the same, but books about characters like Curious George or Winnie the Pooh can be treasured forever.
South Lake is tasty and flavorful: Here’s a good opportunity to mix business with pleasure: Taste of South Lake, the premier restaurant and business expo in South Lake County, is scheduled from 5-8:30pm Nov. 1 at Waterfront Park, 330 3rd St., Clermont. Sample food and beverages from more than 20 local restaurants, meet more than 30 unique business vendors, and enjoy live music. Tickets are available at tasteofsouthlake.com ($25 advance; $30 door).
What if that never happened? Everybody knows the story of George Bailey, who discovered how life would be if he’d never been born. The Bay Street Players present “It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play,” which adds a few twists to the original story. See it Nov. 23-Dec. 16 at the Bay Street Players Theater, 109 N. Bay St. Box office: 352.357.7777.
Keep on trekking: Trek Bicycle Store, at 1675 Hancock Road, Suite 600, in Clermont, recently staged its official ribbon-cutting ceremony. The store, formerly known as the Cycling Hub, offers best-in-class bikes and accessories for all types of rides and all types of riders, from entry level to professional. Trek also organizes weekly group rides. For information, visit trekclermont.com.
Homes for the holidays: It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, especially inside several Mount Dora homes meticulously decorated for the season. The 41st Christmas Tour of Homes, a self-guided tour organized by the Mount Dora Women’s Committee of Fine Arts, is Dec. 1-2. Guests receive a tour booklet and map of the participating homes. Call 352.720.3939 or visit wcfamountdora.com.
All’s faire: Hearken to mine words, all ye who long for a bygone era when knights in shining armor ruled the day. The Lady of the Lakes Renaissance Faire will be Nov. 2-4 and Nov. 10-11 at 12835 County Landfill Road in Tavares. Cast members dressed in period costumes educate attendees on what it was like to live in medieval times. Visit lakerenfaire.com or call 352.326.1265.