By Akers Editorial
Thomas Meglioranza Sings Century Old Tunes at Howey Mansion

Thomas Meglioranza, accompanied by pianist Reiko Uchida, will sing a collection of American folk tunes from the early 20th century during a 7 p.m. Nov. 10 concert at Howey Mansion in Howey-in-the-Hills, and Thomas has been described as “one of America’s finest young baritones.”
The program will feature an assortment of popular show tunes and parlor songs, including many by Carrie Jacobs Bond (1862-1946), one of the most commercially successful songwriters of her time (her best known hits include “I Love You Truly,” and “A Perfect Day), a short song cycle by modernist composer Ruth Crawford Seeger (1901-1953), and a selection of songs by Charles Ives (1874-1954) “whose kaleidoscopically beautiful music combines elements of popular song with an avant-garde aesthetic,” says Thomas, adding he plans to talk about the pieces from the stage “to help make everything as engaging as possible.”
Tickets are $40 per person online at howeymusicseries.org. A cash bar will be available.