March 24, 2023

Walmart begins drone deliveries in this week’s Hometown Headlines.

0.4 min read| Published On: March 24th, 2023|

By Akers Editorial

Walmart begins drone deliveries in this week’s Hometown Headlines.

0.4 min read| Published On: March 24th, 2023|

Walmart begins drone deliveries at 2 Lake County locations in this week’s Style Hometown Headlines.

Stories include:

Leesburg Police Department celebrates 100 years

Lake County Fair Association offers free child’s ticket to kids who check out 3 or more items from Lake County Library System (Florida)

Lake County Schools students from Windy Hill Middle were named the Junior Overall Winners at the Lake County History Day competition

Sign up for the Amazing Race for Charity

A big thank you to Tri-County Foot & Ankle and Red Apples Media for providing ongoing production support for the program.

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About the Author: Akers Editorial

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