By Akers Editorial
Person of Interest: Adam Meyer

Photo: Fred Lopez // Illustration: Adam Meyer
Chief creative officer, Steamroller Studios
Vital Stats:
- Eustis native, co-founder with Jalil Sadool and Keith Lackey of Steamroller Studios, a game development company, specializing in animation, programming, concept art for movies and games.
- Company’s projects: “Rise of the Tomb Raider,” “Worms W.M.D.,” “Prey,” and others.
- Film projects include: “Avatar,” “Rise of the Planet of the Apes,” “How to Train Your Dragon 2,” and “The Hobbit Trilogy.”
- Steamroller original game: “Deadwood: The Forgotten Curse.”
What I want people to know: Myself, Keith and Jalil are family men; we all have kids. We are children of the ’80s. Once the three of us got together, it was like a catalyst for success.
Two words to describe me: Creative, compassionate.
Dividing the work: Half of the studio is working on stuff that makes us money, and we spend that money on making our passion project, which is “Deadwood.” (The action-adventure game expected out next year).
About games: There is a shortage of games that tell a good story, family friendly, and have unique game-play style. We are interjecting a story into a genre that never had one before. It’s exciting and, hopefully, it’ll get people excited to play a game that has a bite to it.
Company’s success: Doing high-quality work. Most of our contract work is animation, and the new game industry is looking for high-end animators. Because we are in Eustis, we do it for a better price compared to San Francisco rates. We are taking jobs from overseas and bringing them here because communication is much better, and we meet deadlines.
Good times: We are enjoying riding the wave right now. We are planning for the future, trying to make the right decisions. Running a business is 90 percent trying to make the right calls. We sound-board off each other and, so far, we have made the right decisions.
How company name came about: Keith and I met at Eustis Middle School and started a lawn company. We sang the song, “Steamroller,” so the name is an inside joke, but our corporate explanation: “we are a big machine that steamrolls our competition.”
Next big thing in gaming: Better games, better stories.
Pet peeve: Inconsiderate people who don’t take care about people’s feelings.
My passion: I’m just a guy trying to do what he loves and provide for his family. My goal has been to do what I am passionate about and share it with others.