By Akers Editorial
Ask the Expert: Insurance

Erin Natalino, Director of Operations at The Villages Insurance
Q: What makes The Villages Insurance unique in its approach to personal lines insurance?
A: The first thing that makes us unique is that we take a very consultative approach when working with clients. We like to discover their risk needs and try to see which coverage and carrier will provide them the best product for what they are looking to insure.
We consult them very honestly on the insurance market, what’s happening out in the community, and what to be aware of in the event of a claim. Basically, we try offering the best advice possible on what to do, and what the best option would be in their specific situation.
Another thing that makes us unique is that we have a team of claim advocates who are not adjusters, but a team of colleagues available to help clients in filing the first notice of loss with the insurance carrier.
They assist the client throughout the claim process, beginning with a time frame in which an adjuster will be assigned to the claim, what the response from that claim adjuster should be, and what that claim process looks like. We then follow up with them throughout the process to make sure things are progressing as they should.
We also have an emergency response team so, if a client has an after-hours claim, they can opt to leave a voice message and someone from our emergency response team will call them back, help them with the claims process, and get the claim initiated right then and there.
Additionally, if a client has a large fire loss, we’ll actually go out to assist them in reserving a hotel room and getting the claim filed. We also have a kit we bring them with supplies they may need.
Overall, our uniqueness lies in our dedicated team at The Villages Insurance whose main focus is making sure that at the time of a loss, the insured’s claim is handled properly with the insurance carrier and adjuster.
The Villages Insurance team feels honored to be a helping hand to our clients. Claims can be a little scary and overwhelming, so we make sure to let them know we are with them every step of the way.