By Roxanne Brown
Clermont’s Philip Joeckel: The Man Behind the Lights

For Philip Joeckel, better known by friends and family as “Mr. Christmas,” his passion for holiday decorations runs deep, all the way back to childhood.
“I was definitely a spoiled kid,” he admits with a laugh. “But at Christmas, being spoiled only went as far as the inside of the house; the outside was different.”
Philip says he’d look how beautifully—and fun—other homes were decorated outside and he felt a little jealous.
“My dad would put lights on the roofline and maybe some on the bushes, but that’s it. I would look at how other homes were decorated and I just found it amazing,” he adds.
At that point, Philip promised himself that one day, he’d bring that magic to life.
“Once I was able to do it myself, I just started collecting more and more every year,” he shares. “It started out small, but over time, I built up this huge collection of lights, decorations and animatronics from Sears. It wasn’t just about doing it bigger, though. The more I decorated, the more joy I saw in people. That was the real payoff.”
He pauses, reflecting on how his love for lights has grown beyond childhood dreams.
“I’m very competitive, and I’d see other houses doing it, so I just had to do more. That’s how it started out, then something in me just switched and it became more about the connection of bringing joy,” Philip says, explaining that he sees the same wonder he felt looking at extravagant lights in other kids’ eyes when they see his house. “I don’t have children of my own, so this became my outlet; It’s a way to give back.”
As his collection grew, so did the process behind it. With that, Philip gave us an idea of what’s involved. “Christmas at my house is maybe not Christmas for about five months,” he adds. “I start decorating in August—inside first, plus I build for the outside.”
“I keep telling my wife, Tricia, that we should get a bigger house, but she says, ‘Absolutely not, because you’ll fill that one, too!’
“I’ll put the trees up and everything and I’ll start building things for the outside. Then, once mid-October hits, I’m working on the outside. Some nights I’m out there until 2am rigging lights.”
Once done, the display is unbelievable. Every inch of Philip’s front yard is covered with arches, huge figurines from the Nativity to a teddy bear, a toy soldier and Santa Claus. There are also arches and a huge gingerbread house he built himself.
The outside walls and roof of the house are also covered in lights and when you step inside, there is just as much to see. There are multiple trees, each decorated with different themes, lots of Disney inspired décor, animatronics and lights everywhere, including the living room, two other rooms and the kitchen.
This year, Philip also turned his backyard into a Jurassic Christmas, an area filled with Christmas dinosaurs, lights, sound and moving action.
Then, when Christmas is over, he cleans every ornament and every decoration. He also takes a leaf blower to every tree and wraps them in saran wrap.
“There’s a process to keeping everything clean and orderly. I don’t like a lot of dust, and having all this stuff in here can create that, so we have to keep on top of it,” Philip adds.” When it’s all over, I store everything in one bedroom that’s dedicated to Christmas decorations and all my garage, except for leaving room for one small trailer that I use for work.”
Philip, a Wedding DJ by profession, says it must be in him to want to entertain and his dedication hasn’t gone unnoticed. Neighbors look forward to his work each year. “They call me Mr. Christmas,” he says proudly. “Even the neighbors across the street now make a tradition of watching me work. It’s great to have that support.”
And though it’s a labor of love, it’s also a huge commitment. “I can’t do it alone anymore,” Philip admits. His wife, Tricia, helps with much of the decorating. “She’s fantastic,” he says. “She worked in the wedding industry for years, so she’s used to decorating and making things look beautiful. She’s also a wonderful baker.”
Last year, a post on social media led to an overwhelming response—up to 500 strangers visiting his home in a single night. “It was a little terrifying, to be honest,” Philip says, shaking his head. “But when I saw their faces, all that anxiety disappeared.”
This year, he’s limited visits by reservation to keep things manageable. “I’m fortunate to have great neighbors, and we all help each other out,” he says. “But it’s a lot of work, and I need to find balance. I can’t just focus on Christmas decorations; I need to make time for my wife, and our relationship, too.”
Looking ahead, Philip doesn’t know how many more years he’ll keep adding to the display. “Every year, I kind of wonder, ‘Will this be my last?’” he says thoughtfully. “But as long as I’ve got the help and the energy, I’ll keep doing it. It’s expensive, it’s exhausting, but it’s worth it.”
“The more positive feedback I get the more I want to do and at this point, I don’t even know if it’s considered healthy or not, yet here we are,” Philip says “I had one little girl last year who said, ‘This is the best day of my life.’ Another one said she wanted to live here!” The joy is palpable as he recounts the heartfelt compliments.
There are no more open houses scheduled for this year, but Philip says people can still drive by his house and have a look at all he’s done outside.
People are also welcome to get out and take pictures, if they choose to do it and if lucky, Philip will notice them and turn on the snow machine.
If interested, the house is located at 113 Pacific Ave., Clermont, the Sierra Vista neighborhood. You can also visit Philip’s Facebook Page—Christmas 365 “Hosted by DJ Phil”—to see pictures, videos and updates.
For now, he’s already planning next year’s display. And as long as he’s able, “Mr. Christmas” will continue to spread the magic, one light—or thousands—at a time.
Photos by Matthew Gaulin
Originally from Nogales, Arizona, Roxanne worked in the customer service industry while writing independently for years. After moving to Florida in 1999, Roxanne eventually switched her career path to focus more on writing and went on to become an award-winning reporter for The Daily Commercial/South Lake Press newspapers for 16 years prior to coming on board with Akers Media as a staff writer in July 2020 – her dream job come true.