By Akers Editorial
Connie Mahan Real Estate Group

Connie Mahan – Broker/Owner
On the cusp of her company’s 10-year anniversary, award-winning 20-year real estate veteran Connie Mahan has never felt more inspired to be a broker in South Sumter County, and with good reason.
Connie Mahan Real Estate Group is the number one real estate firm in South Sumter County both in volume and in number of transactions. Connie says she’s humbled looking back over the last ten years at what #teamcmreg has accomplished, and the reputation for results they are known for.
“Helping our customers and community understand the generational wealth opportunities available through real estate and teaching our youth the pillars of a good financial foundation through real estate fuels our passion,” she says.
Connie says that the events of the past year put things into perspective, personally and professionally. Working through the uncertainty of the Covid-19 pandemic presented challenges for everyone, however, hard work and perseverance is common stock at #teamcmreg.
“Things got real, real fast,” says Connie. “The well-being of my agents, my community, and my family all flashed before my eyes. We immediately took action. I have never been prouder of our group than I was over the last year.”
Ten years strong, and the biggest moves are still in store for this top-producing real estate team. Stay tuned for that 10-year anniversary celebration South Sumter…it’s in the works!
Connie Mahan Real Estate Group
218 N. Florida St., Bushnell / 352.569.0233 / conniemahan.com