By Akers Editorial
Danielle McKay

Photo: Fred Lopez
Age 18 // home-schooled senior
Vital Stats:
- Outside interest: Volunteers at Give Kids the World.
- Favorite craze: Loves anything “Star Wars.”
- Looking at the future: Plans to get a degree in graphic design.
- My TEK Lab really worked well with my home schooling. It’s a place where kids can do great stuff with computers—computer programming, robotics, using 3-D printers. Through My TEK Lab, I found a strong interest in robotics and technology. They have My TEK <dev>, My TEK Bot, and My TEK 3D to help kids learn. I loved being there and did so well I’m now an employee.
Hobbies: My hobbies change depending on my interests and necessity of a project. Right now, I like drama/theater, jewelry making, computer photo editing, digital scrapbooking, and costume making. I enjoy almost anything that is creative.
What you do for fun: I love going to Walt Disney World, subtly dressed as a character, and volunteering at Give Kids the World.
Favorite fast food: Pizza.
Pet peeve: Everyone has the little things that drive them crazy. I have two prominent ones: 1) People who speak without thinking. If someone has something to say, it needs to be truthful and valuable to the other person. 2) Anything with typos or unedited work, whether it’s for one person or a hundred. If something is worth doing, take the time and do it right.
Favorite movie star: At the moment, I have three: Lucille Ball, Vivian Vance, and Ewan McGregor.
What stirred your interest in computers: Playing with Fisher-Price computer games as a little kid. Leighann, my sister, and I would come up with ways that the game could be better. We would get so intrigued by computer games and their storylines, we’d sit for hours dreaming up new games and scenarios.
College plans: Majoring in digital media and design at Southeastern University.
Personal philosophy: God created the world and everything in it with a specific purpose.
Best day of your life or a special moment? There are many “best days.” A very special moment for me was performing in the play “Pygmalion” as the lead, Eliza, with my sister playing the second leading lady, Mrs. Higgins. It was the first play in which we were both cast as lead roles and had dialogue together.
Who inspires or influences your life? My mother, Joanne, and my sister, Leighann, hold the greatest influence and inspiration in my life. They keep my life on track and my focus where it should be.
Favorite quote? “It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are,” from Roy Disney.