By Cindy Peterson
Discover Genealogy Tools with Cari Taplin Demo on Jan. 9

Pastfinders is thrilled that Cari Taplin will be joining us for a discussion on using Google Maps for Genealogy. The Presentation “Using Google’s My Maps as a Research and Analysis Tool” will be hosted by Pastfinders on Thursday, January 9 at the Cooper Memorial Library and Zoom from 4:30PM to 6:30PM. The public is welcome to attend any of the free classes given by our society. You must register in order to use Zoom or just arrive early at Cooper Memorial Library in room 108 to enjoy the program and meet other like-minded individuals.
Did you know you can create your own maps using Google’s My Maps? Many of us use Google Maps for travel or locating a place. My Maps allows users to create custom maps which makes it a fantastic and easy-to-use research and analysis tool. Maps can be shared with others making it a great way to present your research to family and friends. This webinar will give an overview of My Maps, examples for why and how it can be useful for genealogy, and will go in-depth to demonstrate to the audience exactly how to create custom maps, including inserting lines, shapes, images, text, and more.
Cari Taplin is the owner of GenealogyPANTS, she provides speaking services. She also lends help and shares her expertise as an administrator on the highly popular Facebook Group “The Genealogy Squad.” Cari currently works for Ancestry ProGenealogists. Cari’s personal research focuses on midwestern and Great Lakes states. Her family told her she was related to Roy Rogers. As a result, finding her true heritage has been her focus since the year 2000. She is a native of Wood County, Ohio but now lives in Longmont, Colorado. Cari holds the Certified Genealogist® credential and has served in a wide variety of volunteer and leadership positions for state, local, and national societies. Discover Genealogy Tools with Cari Taplin: Google My Maps Demo on Jan. 9
Please visit PastfindersSLC.org for more details and LIKE us on Facebook PastfindersofSL.
Originally from the small town of Berryville, Arkansas, Cindy has become a multimedia specialist in journalism, photography, videography, and video editing. She has a B.S. in Communications from the University of Central Arkansas and produces Style Magazine's Sports Hub Podcast and the Healthy Living Podcast. She also produces for Beacon College’s Telly Award-winning PBS show, “A World of Difference.” When she isn’t working, Cindy loves traveling the National Parks with her husband , Ryan, and son, David, photographing wildlife.