By Akers Editorial
Immunity Health Spa

Sabrina Ciceri | Owner
Working 27 years in the health care industry has given Sabrina Ciceri a wealth of knowledge when it comes to wellness. She opened the area’s first training studio, served as publisher for Healthy Living magazine and Healing our World magazine, and also worked as a nurse.
All those experiences led her to fulfill a lifelong passion when she opened Immunity Health Spa. Her goal is to help clients strengthen their immune system, thus giving them optimal health and quality of life.
“The basis of everything is a strong immune system,” she says. “That’s the focus of Immunity Health Spa.”
Immunity Health Spa offers intravenous vitamin therapy, which improves the immune system by delivering vitamins and minerals directly to the cells. The company also offers top-rated supplements to provide nutrients that cannot be obtained through diet.
“At Immunity Health Spa, we’re not just giving people treatments but also educating them on living healthy lifestyles,” Sabrina says. “Also, we have brought back compassion and care that has been lost in health care. We love our patients.”
As a nurse practitioner at Immunity Health Spa, Lisa Gonzalez goes beyond the normal duties of measuring blood pressure and taking vital signs.
She now is able to focus on her passions: preventative wellness, holistic medicine, and anti-aging.
One automatically assumes the role of health care is to manage and treat existing medical conditions. However, being on the frontline of preventative care allows Lisa to stop sickness and disease before it starts.
“Focusing on wellness, holistic medicine, and anti-aging has always been my passion,” says Lisa, who earned a nursing degree from Lake-Sumter State College in 2012. “We take a functional medicine approach, meaning we focus on the root cause of problems rather than symptoms.”
Whether Lisa is administering Botox fillers or IV treatments, her friendly demeanor, gentle words, and big smile make patients at Immunity Health Spa feel more relaxed and comfortable.
“I enjoy educating my patients and playing a role in helping them live the happiest and healthiest lives possible.”

Lisa Gonzalez – Nurse Practitioner
As a nurse practitioner at Immunity Health Spa, Lisa Gonzalez goes beyond the normal duties of measuring blood pressure and taking vital signs.
She now is able to focus on her passions: preventative wellness, holistic medicine, and anti-aging.
One automatically assumes the role of health care is to manage and treat existing medical conditions. However, being on the frontline of preventative care allows Lisa to stop sickness and disease before it starts.
“Focusing on wellness, holistic medicine, and anti-aging has always been my passion,” says Lisa, who earned a nursing degree from Lake-Sumter State College in 2012. “We take a functional medicine approach, meaning we focus on the root cause of problems rather than symptoms.”
Whether Lisa is administering Botox fillers or IV treatments, her friendly demeanor, gentle words, and big smile make patients at Immunity Health Spa feel more relaxed and comfortable.
“I enjoy educating my patients and playing a role in helping them live the happiest and healthiest lives possible.”
Immunity Health Spa | Sabrina Ciceri
352.750.9909 /480 U.S. Hwy. 441, Lady Lake / immunityhealthspa.com
Immunity Health Spa | Lisa Gonzalez
352.750.9909 /480 U.S. Hwy. 441, Lady Lake / immunityhealthspa.com