By Akers Editorial
Isaac B. Deas Reverend/Consultant

Photo: Fred Lopez
As a mental health counselor serving men, women, and children, the Rev. Dr. Isaac B. Deas is ingrained in the community. He helps people solve problems with substance abuse, sexual abuse, and family dynamics. He also serves as senior pastor at New Bethel Community Church in Summerfield, and ministers to prisoners and gang members.
“My heart is preparing the next generation. I see some of the decisions that they’re making, and they’re ending up in jail,” Isaac says. “My hope is to prevent the young ones from having to go there.”
And Isaac is a living example of what he preaches.
“In life, I took some wrong turns,” he says. “It led me down a path I’m not proud of, but we can always start over. I can identify with people who have been downtrodden and hurt, and I want to encourage them that you can start over.”
Rev. Dr. Isaac B. Deas II Consulting
385 W. Alfred St., Tavares // 352.406.1264 // deasconsulting.com