By Akers Editorial
James W. Young, III, M.D. | Urology Institute of Central Florida

Q. Dr. Young, Boston Scientific just designated your practice as the first Center of Excellence for Rezum Therapy for enlarged prostates in the Southeastern USA. What does that prestigious honor mean to you?
A. I am very proud that my staff and I received this designation. To be the first practice honored thusly in Florida… no, make that the entire southeastern United States… means Boston Scientific is recognizing the excellent results we have had from performing the Rezum on men who are having problems with their enlarged prostates. Upon completing my residency in Arkansas in 1982, I moved to Lake County to open my practice. My primary area of concern has always been men with enlarged prostates having difficulty with urination. This difficulty could be a very slow stream, getting up at night, waiting to get started, not emptying completely, or conversely, it could be urgency, frequency and urinary accidents.
For decades TURP (roto-rooter) was the only procedure available for BPH (enlarged prostate) and I performed 3,000 procedures over the course of several decades. In retrospect, it is a fairly barbaric procedure but the only one available at that time. Next, medications for enlarged prostates were approved and worked well for a number of years, but there is considerable controversy in our literature possibly linking dementia to taking these medications on a long-term basis. Moreover, there could be many other side effects from the medications, and after a period of time they lose their effectiveness. Fifteen years ago, a newer procedure, transurethral needle ablation (TUNA later renamed Prostiva) was approved. It was the first, in my opinion, truly effective in-office procedure. I have performed 3,000 of these procedures, 2-3 times more than anyone in the world.
In late 2015, the FDA approved Rezum, a new procedure performed in the office under local anesthesia that relives the obstructing prostate tissue using steam. Immediately upon researching this technology, I changed from performing Prostivas to Rezums. Currently, I have performed over 900 in my office (more than anyone in the world) and my results are outstanding. Patients experience a significant difference in the quality of their lives, and following the procedure they may resume most regular activities within a few days. Healthgrades.com is a website that allows patients to review their doctors. According to my patient reviews, Healthgrades informs me I am in the top 100th percentile of all urologists in the United States. And it is because of my success with Rezum.
In summary, receiving this recognition from Boston Scientific confirms that my staff and I are doing a great job relieving any issues our patients have from enlarged prostates. Having been designated a Center of Excellence allows patients from all over the world to be aware of our practice and great results. Patients throughout the United States, North America, Central America and South America have traveled to my Lady Lake office because of my success with the Rezum procedure.
Urology Institute of Central Florida