April 24, 2024

Lady Lake Unveils ‘Childrens Choice’ Pyramid Park Playground

0.8 min read| Published On: April 24th, 2024|

By Kyle Coppola

Lady Lake Unveils ‘Childrens Choice’ Pyramid Park Playground

0.8 min read| Published On: April 24th, 2024|

Lady Lake’s Pyramid Park will soon receive an exciting makeover with the addition of new playground equipment.

Earlier this year, the Lady Lake Parks and Recreation Department outreached to area children to gather their input in choosing between two new playground options. Through votes taken at The Villages Elementary of Lady Lake, the Lady Lake Library and via the Town’s Facebook page, a majority of children opted for Design Option 1.

The chosen playground structure, in vibrant red, blue and yellow hues, includes several slides, a spinner, a rope climber, and various decks and platforms. It is specifically geared toward kids aged 5-12 with a focus on safety.

With approval from the Town Commission, and at a cost of approximately $270,000, the playground will be paid for through impact fees. The structure will be built by BCI Burke, a company based in Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin.

The new structure will replace aging equipment that was removed earlier this year and will complement existing equipment that children have come to love.

When the installation begins, the entire playground area will be closed for two weeks to ensure the safety of our community. Residents will be notified via Facebook, the Town website, and signage.

To subscribe to the Parks and Recreation events calendar, visit www.ladylakefl.gov.

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About the Author: Kyle Coppola

Kyle Coppola was born in Newton, Massachusetts and received his Bachelor of Fine Arts in Communications from Curry College in 2016. After traveling to Florida on a family vacation, he decided he could not get enough of the warm weather and made the move from snowy Massachusetts to central Florida 8 years ago.

For the last decade Kyle has gained valuable experience in social media content creation, marketing and sales, writing, video production, sports announcing and even broadcasting for local radio stations, such as FM 102.9 in The Villages and FM 91.5 in Massachusetts. Every year he volunteers at The Villages Charter High School as a play-by-play sports announcer for the football games as well as a public address announcer for the basketball games, including the annual Battle at The Villages Tournament.

Outside the office Kyle is a husband and father to two beautiful girls along with their cat. In his spare time he likes to spend time with his family, travel, play golf and swim. He is also a huge sports junkie and even bigger motorsports fan and loves to attend racing events when he can.

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