By Cindy Peterson
Lake County Issues Countywide Burn Ban

Lake County has not received significant rainfall in recent weeks, prompting surrounding counties to implement burn bans as well. The County’s burn ban prohibits burning yard debris, land clearing, recreational fires, and unauthorized piles of debris to reduce the wildland fire threats and protect lives, property, and natural resources. However, residents may still use barbecue grills, smokers, or small cooking pits with a fuel area of 3 feet or less in diameter and 2 feet or less in height.
Lake County will lift the ban once the KBDI falls below 500 for five consecutive days. At that time, the County will notify residents through official channels.
The County urges residents to follow the burn ban and remain vigilant to help ensure community safety. For more information, visit www.lakecountyfl.gov/burnban.
Additional Resources:
- Create at least 30 feet of defensible – meaning clean and green – space around your home.
- Clear trash and dead vegetation from your front and backyards.
- Remove leaves and debris from the roof and gutters.
- Have a plan and an emergency kit packed to leave your home immediately, especially if your home directly abuts wildlands.
- Monitor local media for updates on road closures, smoke conditions, and other hazards.
- Use extreme caution when grilling, camping, and discarding cigarettes.
- Call 9-1-1 if you see fire in your area.
Originally from the small town of Berryville, Arkansas, Cindy has become a multimedia specialist in journalism, photography, videography, and video editing. She has a B.S. in Communications from the University of Central Arkansas and produces Style Magazine's Sports Hub Podcast and the Healthy Living Podcast. She also produces for Beacon College’s Telly Award-winning PBS show, “A World of Difference.” When she isn’t working, Cindy loves traveling the National Parks with her husband , Ryan, and son, David, photographing wildlife.