Lake Minneola Student Redefining Success Through Sports, Service and Spiritual Leadership

1.8 min read| Published On: June 28th, 2024|

By Amanda Valderrama

Lake Minneola Student Redefining Success Through Sports, Service and Spiritual Leadership

1.8 min read| Published On: June 28th, 2024|

Maddux Bultema 

My role with FCA and Varsity Club: I am one of the leaders for the Lake Minneola High School Fellowship of Christian Athletes. I help with organizing and leading small groups in devotionals and sometimes give sermons on Wednesdays. As a member of Varsity Club, I help plan and set up events such as pep rallies, dress-up dates for homecoming week and the staff vs. student volleyball game. I love athletics and I like being creative when it comes to school spirit.  

My favorite thing about playing baseball: I love the competition; that’s why I fell in love with it. You can fail seven out of 10 times and still be considered elite. I just continue to push to myself to get to that point. 

My favorite subjects in school: Math and history. I like them pretty much the same. 

I face obstacles and challenges by: Having trust in God and a good support system from family and friends. I have a lot of people that care about me through athletics and school and they all give me the confidence I need to keep pushing. 

My plans for after high school: I would like to pursue baseball for as long as I am able to. However, I also plan to earn a degree in business and sports management at Stetson University. My mom played softball there and I went to a lot of games and visits to campus. I just love the environment and it’s close to home. I’ve wanted to go there since middle school. 

My role models are: My parents. They both challenge me in different ways, which forged me into a better person, believer and student. 

My best friend is: My brother, Nolan. We’re 21 months apart and are just going through life together and we’re together till the end. 

Favorite activities outside of sports and academics: I like going swimming at the beach, anything that involves being in the water. I also like going out with friends and watching TV with family. Just doing things with other people is really what makes me happy. 

If I could travel anywhere: The first place I would go is Europe. I would start in England and just work my way East. There are so many great spots. I would love to just spend a day or two in each location and not rush it. 

My main personality trait is that: I’m very open to other people; I like to listen and make people laugh. That’s how I connect with them. I like to get people to smile and aim to help brighten their day.  

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About the Author: Amanda Valderrama

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