By Theresa Campbell
Outstanding Student: Jaymie Nobles

Former cheerleader and state gymnastics champion aspires to become an FBI agent.
Photos: Nicole Hamel
Vital Stats:
- 2021 graduate of First Academy-Leesburg with a GPA of 3.9.
- Daughter of Jayson and Karah Nobles of Leesburg.
- Won top cheerleading honors in 2018-2020 from Fellowship of Christian Cheerleaders; Florida High School Athletic Association state semifinalist in 2019.
- Florida State Gymnastics Champion on floor and vault in 2014, floor and beam in 2015, and floor, beam, vault, and all-around in 2016-2018.
- 2021 recipient of Randy Jones, Sr. Memorial Scholarship, and awarded academic scholarship from the University of Alabama, where she will attend in the fall.
Biggest influence in my life: My parents. It’s hard to even put into words what great inspirations they are to me. They have taught me so many great life lessons, they push me no matter how hard things get, and they believe in me even when I don’t believe in myself because they want me to be the best version of myself.
What I enjoyed most at First Academy: The atmosphere. Everybody was always very nice, and the teachers were very helpful and truly wanted to see you succeed.
Advice to freshmen high school students: Once you get to your senior year and start applying to colleges, you will very much see that your freshman year is just as important as the other years.
My motivation to make good grades: Nearly all my friends had the same classes, and we always had a healthy competition going that pushed us to be the best and work the hardest.
Favorite food: My dad’s macaroni and cheese.
My current goals: To make the University of Alabama’s cheer team my sophomore year, and I plan on majoring in criminology because I hope to become a special agent for the FBI.
In my free time: I spend it with friends, driving around listening to music or getting dinner and just hanging out.
What I envision for my life in 10 years: I’m hopeful that I will be getting close to applying to the FBI Academy, if I have not applied already. But whatever I may be doing, I hope I enjoy it wholeheartedly.
What I would do with $5 million: I would make sure my parents are taken care of completely, as a gift of appreciation. Nothing I could ever do would be able to show them how thankful I am for them. They always took care of me and went above and beyond, so I would use that money to take care of them.
Originally from Anderson, Ind., Theresa worked for The Herald-Bulletin for many years. After experiencing a winter with 53 inches of snow, her late husband asked her to get a job in Florida, and they headed south. Well known in the area, Theresa worked with The Daily Sun and The Daily Commercial prior to joining Akers.