By AkersMedia
Outstanding Student: Kyler Cots

Aspiring pro baseball player ready to take a swing at senior year.
Photos: Nicole Hamel
Vital Stats
- 17 years old.
- Incoming senior at Eustis High School.
- Baseball player.
- Favorite subjects are algebra and biology.
- Works at Play It Again Sports.
- Parents are Jeffrey Cots and Kim Felso, stepdad John Felso, and younger brother Xander Cots.
If you could have a superpower, what would it be? The ability to freeze time.
What are your plans for the summer? I work, I’m going to have baseball tournaments, and I’ll mainly spend time with my family.
What are you excited about for your senior year? The sports and all the senior activities, especially grad bash.
What are some of your hobbies outside of school and baseball? I enjoy fishing and bowling.
Any plans for college yet? I’m looking to get a sports management degree, as well as a business management degree and hoping to go (to college) on a baseball scholarship. Some schools that I’m thinking about are the University of Tampa, Southeastern University, and Saint Leo University.
Where is your ideal place for retirement someday? I would probably retire right here, somewhere near central or southern Florida.
Dream job? I would like to be a professional pitcher for the MLB.
Any advice for upcoming juniors? Pay attention as much as you can in classes, even if they’re boring or they get hard. You just have to push through and focus on the goals you want to achieve. If you want to get there, you have to work hard.
Words to live by? It’s a quote from Derek Jeter: “There may be people that have more talent than you, but there’s no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do.”
Where would you like to be in 10 years? I would like to see myself either being a scout with some sort of sports organization or still playing baseball.
Wonderful article on my grandson Kyler Cots. So well written I learned a lot about him. Thank you