September 1, 2014


1.7 min read| Published On: September 1st, 2014|

By Akers Editorial


1.7 min read| Published On: September 1st, 2014|


Age: 10 • Fifth-grade student at Lake Prep School

I was Lake Prep School’s 2014 nominee for the Disney Dreamer and Doer award. For my nomination, I received theme park passes to Walt Disney World. My favorite theme park at Disney is the Magic Kingdom.

My teachers nominated me for the award because I help other students when they are having difficulty with their schoolwork. One time, a middle school teacher came into our classroom and asked, ‘Can I borrow Mia?’ She wanted me to help a seventh-grade student complete a crossword puzzle. I always thought older students would be teaching me. I never thought I would be teaching them. I also enjoy helping teachers in the classroom.

Math is my favorite subject because it comes easier to me than other subjects. I also like art because I get to use paint, clay and crayons to create magnificent artwork. My least favorite subject is science, because it does not interest me as much.

One of my favorite activities is reading. This summer I have read 10 books, and most of them are about dogs because I love them. My family has one dog named Rudy. I fill up his food and water bowls and take him outside to use the bathroom.

I love playing electronic games such as Minecraft and Pokémon Rumble Blast. However, I am not allowed to play these games during the week because my parents make me study and complete my homework.

One unique thing about me is I’m adopted. I was born in China, which is on the other side of the world. I feel very blessed that I was adopted by wonderful parents who inspire me to do my best and take care of me.

I love my dad because he works hard every day to put a roof over my head and food on the table. I love my mom because she’s a foster parent who takes care of other children who would otherwise have very little. She amazes me because she handles so many things at once. I try to help her around the house by unloading the dishwasher, folding laundry and putting toys away.

The most important thing my parents taught me is to treat people how you want to be treated.

Vital stats

A shining star: Mia was one of 400 Central Florida students selected for the Disney Dreamer and Doer award, which recognizes students who shine in the classroom and lead by example.

She’s A-OK: Mia maintains A’s in every subject.


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    Carlie September 19, 2016 at 3:03 pm - Reply

    Mia is one of my best friends!!!!!!!!! :-)

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    Carlie September 19, 2016 at 3:04 pm - Reply

    This is not carlie but your other best friend i think you really deserved that award and i hope you keep working as hard as you have been

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About the Author: Akers Editorial

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