By Akers Editorial
Outstanding Student: Tucker Smith

Photo: Fred Lopez
College baseball player
Vital Stats:
Fruitland Park resident won 2017 President’s Award for academics at Lake-Sumter State College.
Won 2017 Bill Tuten Scholar-Athlete of the Year Award for state junior colleges.
Earned scholarship to pitch for Georgia Southwestern State University.
Volunteers at schools, churches, behavioral institutions.
When did you know you could pitch? When I was 9, my coach asked if I had ever pitched before, which I hadn’t. I got on the mound that season and it just felt natural for me.
What do you like about baseball? The team aspect. No one person can win a game. Also, baseball has no clock. There is no lead that can secure a win in a game.
Do you hope to play professionally? Absolutely. Getting paid to play the game I love is a huge goal of mine. I would even do it for no money.
How have you maintained perfect school attendance? My mom really helped me when I was younger. I didn’t realize the accomplishment I had made until middle school and once I was that far, there was no sense in losing my streak. School has always been something I look forward to. All my friends were there and I never had any reason to not attend.
Why is community service important? I love the people I get to meet doing these events and the positive impact I am able to have on the community. I am fortunate enough to be living in Georgia due to a baseball scholarship so the least I could do is give my time to this area. Any impact you can have on someone’s life is crucial. I will be assisting a dance for mentally handicapped people in February, and it is nights such as this that are remembered forever by the ones involved.
Favorite baseball player? Marcus Stroman.
Favorite baseball movie? “The Sandlot.”
Worst baseball movie? There is no such thing as a bad baseball movie, however, “The Scout” with Brendan Fraser is extremely unrealistic.
Superstitions? 1. Never step on the line. 2. Take a drink of water for every strikeout in an inning when I’m pitching. 3. I have a routine after each throw-down between innings when I pitch. 4. Listen to “Cricket on a Line” by Colt Ford before every start.
Are you a fan of social media? Yes, it is a great way to stay up to date with friends, especially the ones I don’t see all the time due to college.