By Roxanne Brown
Person of Interest: Lucy Hage

Longtime Clermont resident, businesswoman, and volunteer with various help organizations has strong passion for kids and community.
Photo: Nicole Hamel
Vital Stats
- Born in Cuba.
- Speaks Spanish fluently.
- Husband Steven (married 40 years), two daughters, one son, and nine grandchildren.
- Moved from Miami to Clermont in 1997.
- Graduated from FIU with a bachelor of business management and finance.
- Works at Granny Nannies, Clermont.
Community organizations involved in: I have been in the Kiwanis Club of South Lake for 20 years and have been secretary and president of that club, past president and current secretary of Beta Theta, a philanthropic organization for Epsilon Sigma Alpha (ESA), treasurer of the Cooper Memorial Library Association Board, and a member of the Southern Sisterhood Club.
Most recent achievement: I was installed as Lt. Governor of Kiwanis International last October to oversee Division 9, which includes Lake County, and to make sure the local Kiwanis clubs and the clubs we support – including Aktion Club, a service club for adults with disabilities, and service leadership and character-building programs for kids, including Key Club in high school, Builders Club in middle school, and K Kids in elementary school – are growing and working.
My main goal as lieutenant governor: To make sure this division is making a difference and growing.
I like volunteering because: I gain valuable experience and skills and make a difference for people around me.
How I got started: I got involved in Kiwanis and Beta Theta because my friend Ann Dupee, whom I miss, wanted me to get involved in the community with her.
What I like best about Kiwanis’ mission: That it focuses on kids in the community. We supply scholarships, we do Christmas presents, backpacks and school supplies for local school children, and much more.
Favorite spot in Clermont: Downtown Clermont and the waterfront. I go down there for many events.
Local leaders I admire: Chief Broadway and Sheriff Grinnell because of all the positive difference they have made in this community that they support wholeheartedly. Also, the late Ann Dupee who while living, made a huge difference in my life and that of many others.
I am inspired by: Love, community, my friends, my kids and more!
Favorite hobby: Reading books and magazines.
Favorite type of food: Cuban, Italian and Japanese, but my favorite thing every day is coffee!
Three words that describe me: Warm-hearted. Friendly. Thoughtful.
Originally from Nogales, Arizona, Roxanne worked in the customer service industry while writing independently for years. After moving to Florida in 1999, Roxanne eventually switched her career path to focus more on writing and went on to become an award-winning reporter for The Daily Commercial/South Lake Press newspapers for 16 years prior to coming on board with Akers Media as a staff writer in July 2020 – her dream job come true.