August 30, 2024
This Leesburg High Senior’s Vision For the Future is Picture Perfect

By Amanda Valderrama
This Leesburg High Senior’s Vision For the Future is Picture Perfect

Jeanelle Henderson
My role as production manager for student yearbook involves: A lot of behind the scenes. I am responsible for organizing a ladder of content, assigning spreads to students and maintaining direct contact with teachers, administration and coaches. I also plan and schedule school photo days for my classmates.
As a member of Student Government Association: I am the 2025 student body president responsible for representing all 750 students at Leesburg High School. There are often students that are too afraid to speak up or feel their voice doesn’t matter. Students notice me and come to me with their concerns, and I can help try to address those matters by sharing with administration.
My love of photography began: Watching my grandfather photograph just for fun and I admired him for that. As I got older and started taking photos, several people mentioned that I had a natural eye for it. I started having a different perspective for photography and I began to really fall in love with it.
My favorite subject to photograph is: Sports! I’ve always found sports exciting, but I knew I didn’t want to be an athlete. As part of my school’s journalism program, I picked up a camera and started taking photos at a school volleyball game and a basketball game. When my advisor reviewed the photos, she said that in all the years she’s taken photographs she would’ve never thought to capture the shots that I did.
As webmaster for my school’s Key Club: I am responsible for maintaining our social media. This is where marketing comes in to play by bringing awareness and encouraging students to give back to the community.
My career goal for the future is: To become a professional sports photographer. I would love to work for either the NBA or ESPN involved in some sort of media.
Hobby: I spend most of my free time photographing. The sports industry has a strong male stance, and it can be very challenging to develop a career as a female photographer. I do as much as I can to develop my portfolio and put my work out into the world.
After high school: I would like to pursue a degree in photography at either the University of Georgia or Florida State University. My ultimate dream school would be the University of Oregon.
My favorite place to eat out is: At any kind of Japanese or sushi restaurant.
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