By Akers Editorial
40 Under 40: Tyler Adams, 24

Tyler Adams, 24
Occupation: Realtor with Arrowsmith Realty and Insurance Agent with J Meyers Insurance Agency
What I do: In the world of real estate, I am an Accredited Buyers Representative (ABR). I primarily focus on first-time homebuyers, assisting them with what could be their largest investment. I assist them with negotiating their offers to make sure they are getting the best deal possible and also counsel clients on market conditions and setting important expectations. On the insurance side, I focus on assisting business owners when it comes to protecting their investments and businesses. I also advise on which coverage they should obtain for their occupation and shop coverage to find the best premiums.
How I got started: I started my real estate career when I was 19 years old in 2019. It was the best decision I could’ve made. I was working in the pharmacy at the time and was trying to decide if I wanted to further my education in medical or business. Due to the expense of tuition for medical school, I decided to continue my education in business and obtain my real estate license. I have now completed my associate’s degree and plan on attending UCF for my bachelor’s. As for insurance, I am part of several networking groups throughout Central Florida, and in one of them I met the owner of J Meyers Insurance Agency. They are one of the largest family-owned insurance agencies in Central Florida. After about a year of getting to know her, she eventually asked me if I would consider a career in insurance. Knowing my experience as a real estate agent, she believed I would be a great fit. So, in April of 2024, I joined their team as an insurance producer.
What makes me passionate about each of my career fields: As a young real estate professional, I know the desire of owning your own home. I am in my early 20s, and I know the struggle of high rent and high cost of living. However, I know it is possible that with the right tools and strategies, anyone can become a homeowner. At 22 years old, I bought my first home with my fiancé. It was one of the biggest accomplishments we have made, and I want everyone to be able to experience it and build the generational wealth. I hear all the time young people saying they will never buy a home… and that only motivates me to guide them to their homeownership journey, and show them that is, in fact, attainable. As for insurance, it is one of the most essential pieces of business. It acts as a layer of protection for when the unthinkable happens, and I am very passionate in helping business owners figure out which coverage best fits their needs. When I got into a car accident in 2020 with a non-insured motorist, I was so relieved to remember that I have uninsured motorist coverage to protect me and not just the minimum limits required by law. It was my insurance agent that talked me into obtaining that coverage.
My biggest professional accomplishment so far: I have become a multi-million-dollar producer for the last three of the five years I’ve been in real estate. I am beyond grateful that I have a sphere of influencers who has repeatedly sent me business because they trust me.
When I’m not working: You can find me either at home cuddled up on the couch with my 90-lb. golden retriever or playing dodgeball every Monday night at a local LGBT+ sport league.
My first job: I worked at a Walgreens Pharmacy.
My local mentors: I am very blessed to have more than one mentor. I learned in my career that it is so important to surround yourself with well-educated individuals. However, I wanted to point out one: Steve McDonald – CEO at the Realtors Association of Lake & Sumter Counties. As Steve and I have gotten to know each other, I have learned from him that patience, and the ability to listen, is one of the most important things one can do in their career. He has been such a great association executive, and I am truly grateful to learn from him.
The best advice I’ve ever received: “What other people think about you is none of your business.” I truly believe that life is too short, and too precious, to be caught up in the small things. If you do everything you can to be a good neighbor, friend, and family member… then it doesn’t matter what others think. Everyone has an opinion, and you cannot control them.
Fun fact: The first time I ever got on an airplane was when I went skydiving and jumped out of it. I say this because although I am very reserved, and focus on business, I am also very adventurous and love to try new things.
If I had $1 million to give away: I believe in entrepreneurship. Everyone deserves the chance to build something that hasn’t been done before, everyone deserves an opportunity to make a living and make a difference. If I had $1 million to give, I would provide our local community with entrepreneurship assistance and provide grants to start them up.
Life after 40: I see myself being very thankful for what I have built since I was 19 years old. I see myself being a great colleague, boss/CEO, but even more importantly, I see myself being a great friend, husband, and one day, dad. Life has many things to look forward to, and I am excited to see what comes of it.