December 31, 2021

Pierce Doefler

0.8 min read| Published On: December 31st, 2021|

By AkersMedia

Pierce Doefler

0.8 min read| Published On: December 31st, 2021|

Age: 31

Career: Managing production facility of our company, Doerfler Manufacturing Inc. 

Greatest career accomplishment: Helping to facilitate an environment where people enjoy coming to work. There’s not a single event I could point at; it has been a series of mini-events and lots of work that has gotten us to this point. 

Family: My wife, Kaitlin, and three children: Lucy, Jack, and Madeline. 

Three words to describe myself: Worker. Dreamer. Overthinker. 

Advice I’d give my younger self: Keep a journal. 

Hidden talent: I’m not really sure. I guess maybe my ability to work through exhaustion while staying focused. 

If I had $5 million: I would buy the car I’ve wanted for a while (Audi A6), put the rest into savings, and keep working. 

Bucket list item: Seeing the Northern Lights. I’ve tried on several occasions while in Iceland and still haven’t seen them. 

What I love about Florida: I’m almost never cold. Having grown up in Minnesota, I’m done being cold. 

Most embarrassing moment: When I was in elementary school, my teacher pinched my nose as a joke and tons of snot came out. 

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About the Author: AkersMedia

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