By Akers Editorial
Benjamin Williams, 32

Benjamin Williams, 32
Company/Job title: Pest Ref Services, Inc., Owner & CEO
Job responsibilities: Customer service, management, marketing, scheduling and servicing accounts.
How I got into my career: In 2014, I started with Massey Services, a company I came across at a job fair.
My greatest career accomplishment: Starting my own pest control company at the age of 29.
What makes me passionate about my career: I love dealing with customers and providing great customer service.
Advice for the younger generation: Follow the acronym for F.O.C.U.S, which stands for ‘Follow One Course Until Successful.’
In my spare time: I enjoy spending time with my wife and kids, volunteering and going to church.
After 40: I see myself growing my company to provide service in multiple locations. I also see myself becoming a motivational speaker, author, and creating nonprofit foundations to help less fortunate kids with accomplishing their goals and dreams.