By Akers Editorial
City of Clermont to Hold Earth Day Lake Clean-Up and Festival

Save the date to celebrate Earth Day in Clermont.
The City of Clermont’s annual Clermont Earth Day Lake Clean-Up and Festival is scheduled for Sat., April 24 at Lake Hiawatha Preserve, 450 12th St.
The clean-up is from 7:30-10:30 a.m., and the festival is from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
“We invite the community to this fun, free, educational lineup for all ages,” Clermont Parks and Recreation Director Scott Davidoff says.
Enjoy environmental activities, DJ music, entertainment, aerial performances, tai chi demonstrations and more. Keep an eye out for Eco the Frog, the city’s eco-friendly mascot.
For the clean-up, prizes will be awarded for most weight of trash collected, youngest participant, oldest participant, oddest object found and more. Pre-registration is encouraged for the clean-up, but you also can register on the day of the event.
Visit www.ClermontFL.gov/events. Lake County government and Keep Lake Beautiful are event sponsors.