Clermont Youth Council Wins Statewide Service Contest

1.4 min read| Published On: May 7th, 2021|

By Akers Editorial

Clermont Youth Council Wins Statewide Service Contest

1.4 min read| Published On: May 7th, 2021|

The Clermont Youth Council delivers care packs in November 2020 to the Clermont Police Department for distribution to the homeless population.

The Clermont Youth Council earned statewide recognition for their latest service project.

The Florida League of Cities announced this week that Clermont was one of five cities to win the 2021 Municipal Youth Council Community Service Contest. Clermont’s submission was the Homeless Care Pack Project.

The youth council collected toiletries, filled over 250 backpacks and delivered them to the Clermont Police Department for distribution to the local homeless population.

“The Clermont Youth Council recognized a need in their community – a need that was magnified this past year due to the COVID-19 pandemic,” FLC Programs Coordinator Eryn Russell says. “The Homeless Care Pack Project is a direct reflection of the student’s compassion for Clermont’s residents and their desire to give back to their community.”

FLC representatives plan to present the Clermont Youth Council with a trophy and a $250 check during the June 22 Clermont City Council meeting.

“We applaud our youth council for this exciting recognition,” Interim City Manager Susan Dauderis says. “We are even more proud of the work they did creating this heartfelt project to help those in need during the pandemic.”

Members Tyler Irby, Mary Landaberde and Luis Mustafa completed the project with the assistance of alumnae Kylee Sakur.

Former sponsor City Clerk Tracy Ackroyd Howe and current sponsor Communications Director Kathryn Deen provided guidance and support.

Over the course of several months, youth council members collected donations from the community, including socks, razors, toothbrushes, soaps, shampoo. Then, they filled drawstring bags with supplies and a note that read, “A little helping hand during these trying times, from a community that cares.”

The youth council purchased the bags using prize money they won from a previous FLC competition, the 2019 Municipal Youth Council Video Competition.

Other service contest winners were from the City of Alachua, City of Atlantic Beach, Village of Pinecrest and City of Pinellas Park.

To learn more about the Clermont Youth Council and to apply to join, visit

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About the Author: Akers Editorial

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