February 2, 2025
Coco’s Sweet Treats Spins Memories for All Ages Throughout Lake and Beyond

By Roxanne Brown
Coco’s Sweet Treats Spins Memories for All Ages Throughout Lake and Beyond

For Ashley Trinidad, what started as a creative outlet during the pandemic has blossomed into a beloved business.
Coco’s Sweet Treats, a mobile cotton candy operation in Eustis, has become more than just a way to spin sugar—it’s a symbol of joy, community connection, and innovation.
Ashley’s introduction to cotton candy began during the pandemic.
“My degree is actually in hospitality and event management,” Ashley explains. “At that time, all jobs in hospitality kind of screeched to a halt because people were at home and not doing events or anything like that.”
Working at a bank at the time, she struggled with not having a creative outlet. One day, inspiration struck while scrolling TikTok.
“I saw somebody spinning cotton candy, and it looked fun,” she says. “I wasn’t allowed to have cotton candy growing up, so I thought, ‘Why not?’”
Despite her husband’s initial reservations, Ashley bought a machine and started experimenting. However, the boxed flavors didn’t meet her standards.
“They tasted super artificial,” she says. Determined, Ashley delved into research, using less artificial ingredients and dyes than typical cotton candy makers because her cotton candy sugar is made in house. That’s also what allows her to more easily customize flavors, colors and accommodate allergies.
“I felt like a little mad scientist in my kitchen,” she laughs. “I’d take samples to coworkers, and their excitement really encouraged me.”
In late 2020, Coco’s Sweet Treats quickly gained a following selling under Florida’s cottage food laws after officially being born.
“At a fall festival, we had a line about 20 people long all day,” she recalls. “That’s when I realized there was a real space for this in the community.”
The business’s name holds special meaning: it’s a tribute to Ashley’s dog, Coco, adopted from a local shelter. Ashley ensures Coco’s Sweet Treats gives back by donating proceeds to animal shelters.
Coco’s Sweet Treats now offers over 75 flavors, including Strawberry, Blueberry, Toasted Marshmallow, Lucky Charms, birthday cake, cookie dough and many more. Seasonal specialties include “Strawberry Shortcake” with candy hearts for Valentine’s Day, “Rocket Pop” with Pop Rocks for Fourth of July and “Naughty or Nice Glitter Blasts” around Christmas. The latter, a cotton candy creation paired with edible glitter, has become a cherished family tradition locally.
“Parents tell me their ‘elf’ brings some every December 1st,” Ashley says.
Customization options are endless. For one event, she created peaches-and-cream cotton candy for a one-year-old’s “My Little Peach” birthday party. At a wedding, she crafted “Lavender Haze” and butterbeer-inspired flavors, honoring the bride’s love for Taylor Swift and Harry Potter.
“We’re able to make flavors that fit special occasions. That’s the cool part,” Ashley says.
Born and raised in Tavares, Ashley cherishes the connections she’s built. “We’ve had families with us since our first market,” she says of her time as a vendor at Sunsational Farms during Whimsy Market. “We’ve watched their kids grow and even welcomed new siblings. It’s an honor to be part of their traditions.”
Balancing her business with full-time work and motherhood isn’t easy, but Ashley finds it deeply rewarding, especially when participating in events throughout Central Florida.

With help from her husband, she specializes in cotton candy cakes, cotton candy party favors, glitter blasts, live spinning and more. Her cotton candy is also featured at The Argonaut Bar & Lounge, Crafted Scent Bar, The Salted Fry, Nautilus Coffee Company and Graham’s U Pick Peaches.
“There’s nothing like seeing a child’s face light up when they get a cone,” she says. “It’s why I do what I do.”
Coco’s Sweet Treats even caught the attention of potential franchisees, but Ashley hesitates to expand beyond Central Florida. “Coco’s isn’t just about cotton candy on a stick, it’s about creating memories and connecting with our community,” she says.
Recently, Akers Photographers Nicole Hamel and Matthew Gaulin and I sampled Ashley’s creations. We were taken by flavors resembling their namesakes—Strawberry, Blueberry and Toasted Marshmallow.
My favorite was Lucky Charms, complete with tiny candy-like marshmallows. It reminded me of childhood, when my sister and I picked out the marshmallow shapes from the Lucky Charms cereal to eat first.
We unanimously agreed that the most fun flavor was Rocket Pop. Its melting cotton candy and fizzing Pop Rocks got us giggling.
We brought leftovers back to the office to share them with two of our colleagues’ kids who were there after school. Amazingly, their tastes were pretty consistent with ours: Strawberry, Blueberry, Lucky Charms and Birthday Cake garnered many a “yum,” but Rocket Pop was their top pick.
Like us big kids, they both giggled and visibly enjoyed bite after popping bite.
The only difference is that our parents were not there to stop us from eating too much of it.
For more information or to order online, visit www.cocossweettreatsfl.com.
Photos: Nicole Hamel
Originally from Nogales, Arizona, Roxanne worked in the customer service industry while writing independently for years. After moving to Florida in 1999, Roxanne eventually switched her career path to focus more on writing and went on to become an award-winning reporter for The Daily Commercial/South Lake Press newspapers for 16 years prior to coming on board with Akers Media as a staff writer in July 2020 – her dream job come true.