September 23, 2021
Hospital reports positive sign: a steady decline of COVID-19 patients

By Akers Editorial
Hospital reports positive sign: a steady decline of COVID-19 patients

AdventHealth’s COVID-19 patient census continued to drop this week to about 660 patients hospitalized across hospitals in Lake, Orange, Seminole, Osceola, Polk, Volusia and Flagler counties, the hospital system says in a news release, adding this figure is less than 50% of the level of inpatient hospitalizations seen at the height of the Delta surge in August of about 1,700 hospitalized patients.
AdventHealth says it continues to operate under “Green Status” or normal operations.
“This slow, but steady decline in new admissions of COVID-19 patients is a positive signal that we continue to head in the right direction,” says Dr. Neil Finkler, chief clinical officer for AdventHealth’s Central Florida Division. “Please get vaccinated if you are eligible because we continue to see a vast difference in the severity of illness and outcomes between our vaccinated and unvaccinated patients.”
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is hospital capacity at risk?
A: While we are experiencing a downward trend, hospital capacity continues to be high. Our hospitals are designed in such a way that spaces are flexible and expandable. AdventHealth has an extensive health care system in place in Central Florida so we can locate patients to the facility that best matches the level of care they need.
Q: Do you have enough supplies and ventilators?
A: We have sufficient supplies of ventilators, monitors and other specialized equipment, including oxygen and personal protective equipment.
Q: Is AdventHealth administering COVID vaccines?
A: AdventHealth continues to offer COVID vaccines for the public at six Centra Care locations. AdventHealth also is offering COVID vaccines to inpatients at its hospitals throughout Central Florida.
Q: Where should I go if I think I have COVID?
A: Rapid COVID testing is offered at all Centra Care locations. Only go to the emergency room if you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as difficulty breathing.