By AkersMedia
New Beginnings Gala

Photos: Nicole Hamel – Mount Dora’s Lakeside Inn was the venue for the inaugural New Beginnings Gala, a benefit hosted April 11 by Villagers for Veterans to raise funds for transitional housing to be built for female veterans. The home will be called Ashley’s House, in memory of First Lieutenant Ashley White, who was killed during combat operations in Afghanistan. The next fundraiser for Ashley’s House will be Villagers for Veterans’ seventh Orchid Gala, from 5 to 9 p.m., Aug. 7, with the theme “A Night in Havana,” hosted by the new Brownwood Hotel & Spa in The Villages.
- CVMA National VP Christopher Akers, Marie Bogdonoff Founder and CEO Villagers for Veterans, LCDR Katheryn Wilgus NC Navy Retired and Al Newman CVMA Florida Representative
- Evelyn and Joesphine White
- Jan and Jim Wideman, Ber Kremer, JimRevell
- Jan Wideman and Theresa Campbell
- LCDR Katheryn Wilgus, NC, Navy Retired
- Marie Bogdonoff, Founder and CEO Villagers for Veterans
- Ruth DiDomenico and Linda Muss
- Sgt. Pam Kelly
- Ann Fagan, Carol Kaliwowski and Christine O’Brien-Veitch
- Brittany, Josh and Deborah White
- Gregory and Betsy Wright, Terry and Judy Pinder, and Christel Brickner Back Row: Buck and Bernice Locker
- Jan and Dan Martin, and Marylou Ward
- Jan and Jim Wideman with Ber Kremer and Jim Revell