By Akers Editorial
Outstanding Student: Garrett Hill

Cadet 2nd Lieutenant, ROTC // Eustis High School
Vital Stats:
Age: 18
Grade: 12
GPA: 4.7885
Hobbies/Sports: Gaming and volunteering
Favorite subject: Math
Favorite food: Spaghetti
Favorite professional sports team: Pittsburgh Steelers
Extracurricular: ROTC
Plans for college and your field of study? I plan to attend the University of North Florida for four years, studying mechanical engineering and earning my bachelor’s in science.
Plans for your career? My ambitions after college are to intern for a year, then work my way up in the engineering community to become one of the leaders in mechanical engineering.
Personal philosophy? My personal philosophy follows that of the golden rule: “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you,” and to always find some way to help your community.
Who is your hero/inspiration? My inspiration would be my AFJROTC instructor, Master Sgt. First Class Thomas Young, because he has taught me how to become a leader and act with integrity and justice in my community.
Who has had the biggest influence on your life? My friend Kevin Honeycutt has been the biggest influence on my life because the way he acts toward others has influenced me to be caring and respectful.
What was the best day of your life? The best day of my life was attending the Florida American Legion Boys State program because of how much it was an honor to be selected by veterans who served our country.
Pet peeve? The thing I find as my pet peeve is when others do not respect those around them, especially when they have done so much for them.