By Akers Editorial
Southstate Bank

Stylishly dressed in the color of money, these female lenders of Lake and Sumter counties are the top-performing “rock stars” of SouthState Bank with expertise in residential, consumer, and business lending and development.
“One thing we are known for is having local people that live and invest in our communities,” says Brooke Morris, regional area manager. “People feel we are a part of their lives, not just their banker. Our employees want to be a partner with our customers. We care about their businesses growing and their children succeeding. We support the local fairs, schools, and different programs that improve our communities. Helping our clients make their financial dreams come true is the most rewarding part of our jobs. When our customers are successful, the bank is successful. That’s how we all win.”
SouthState takes pride in being a community bank.
“We are a part of their lives,” adds Amy Chappell of the bank’s mortgage customers. “For example, I will close on their mortgage loans and be invited to the wedding and baby showers, and then end up doing their children’s loans one day.”
SouthState Bank
352.323.9000 / 903 W. North Blvd., Leesburg / southstatebank.com