By Akers Editorial
Students showcase communication in history virtually

Lake County History Day, a competition that annually involves teachers and students throughout the county, was held virtually on March 5, 2021. Several area middle schools and high schools participated in this year’s program, entering history projects related to this year’s theme, Communication in History: The Key to Understanding.
District competitors were identified from a pool of contestants who competed at school contests throughout the county. First- and second-place winners at the district competition will advance to the Florida History Day contest, set for May, also being held virtually. Those who place first or second at Florida History Day will advance to the National History Day.
The following is a list of winners from Lake County History Day:
National History Day is the nation’s leading educational program for history education in schools. The program annually engages more than half a million students across the nation. Students research history topics of their choice related to an annual theme and create exhibits, documentaries, performances, and papers, which they may enter in competitions at the district, affiliate, and national levels.
In a press release, Lake County Schools expressed its gratitude to representatives from the Mary Ellen Robertson chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution for volunteering to help judge the contest. The success of Lake County History Day would not be possible without the help and dedication of their community partners, volunteers, parents, and students.
The district coordinators of Lake County History Day are Natalie Heitman and Neysa Olivares-Torres of Lake County Schools Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Department. To learn more about National History Day in Lake County, FL, contact them at 352.253.6874. For more information on National History Day, contact the national office at 301.314.9739 or visit the National History Day official website at nhd.org.