By Akers Editorial
Style 90 Second Spotlight 12.09.2022

Habitat LS hosts 4th Annual Jingle Build-Off in this week’s 90 Second Style Spotlight..
Stories include:
Mount Dora Community Trust‘s 3rd Annual Giving Week surpasses 2021
Education Foundation of Lake County surprises Rookie Teacher finalists
City of Clermont Government holds swearing-in ceremony
AdventHealth Clermont to host “Santa’s Twilight 5k”
Check out the Style magazine feature, Power Couples
*Visit habitatls.org/vote-jbo/ to vote for your favorite playhouse. The deadline to vote is Saturday December 10th and the winner will be announced on Monday, December 12th.
A big thank you to Tri-County Foot & Ankle and Red Apples Media for providing ongoing production support for the program.