By AkersMedia
Taylor Gaffney

Age: 24
Career: I work part-time as a registered nurse in the emergency department, I run my floral business, Native Roots, and I also work for our family business, Old Florida Foliage.
Greatest career accomplishment: I feel accomplished every time I get to create floral pieces that capture the dreams of not only my brides on their special day, but all of my customers. My greatest accomplishments as a nurse are all about my patients and the connection and care I’m able to provide in their weakest moments.
3 words to describe myself: Strong-willed, fun-loving, and ambitious.
Advice I’d give my younger self: Stay true to yourself, work hard, and put your faith in God above all else.
If I had $5 million dollars: I would be sure all my family is taken care of financially. I would also build a house and shop a little then save the rest.
Desired travel destination: Montana is most definitely number one on my bucket list!
Go-to outfit: Definitely jeans and a cute tank top. I wear it just about everywhere.
Life philosophy: Live each day like it’s my last. Love my family and trust my God!