By AkersMedia
Erica McNamee

Age: 33
Career: I am chief executive officer of Olson Insurance Agency. I manage the insurance side of the office and our employees. I also do taxes and set up new businesses for people.
Greatest career accomplishment: Becoming the CEO and continuing to grow the business each year.
How I became involved in my career: My grandpa started the business years ago, and I started working part-time in high school. I continued to work part-time in college and now run the office.
Two things I’m passionate about: I am most passionate about being a mom and wife. I always wanted to be a mom and have the best little girl and an amazing partner to share life with.
Hidden talent: I have been told I have a “computer brain.” My memory is really good, and I am really good at numbers.
Guilty pleasure: Watching Dateline and any kind of murder mystery.
Desired superpower: To never be tired. Then I could be extra productive.
If I had $5 million: I would travel the world with my husband and daughter and buy a house on the beach.
One thing I’d like others to know about me: I am very giving and would do anything for anyone.