UMATILLA, Fla. (AP) — Over the past few years, the Umatilla High School Athletic
TAVARES – Ashley Ellixson was the first student to complete the four-year teacher preparatory
Groveland's newest educational institution, Hope Preparatory Academy, celebrated its grand opening of their new
Lady Lake, Fla. — Villages Elementary School in Lady Lake has officially broken ground
The Lady Lake Library recently wrapped up its successful "School Supplies for Fines" program,
MARION COUNTY, Fla. — A Marion County Sheriff's deputy is being praised for his
Clermont, Fla. — Lake Minneola High student-athletes Cecilia "CiCi" Peroni and Augustine Wladyczka returned
CLERMONT, Fla. (AP) — Grace Spencer, an incoming 8th grader at East Ridge Middle
A Celebration of Life and Memorial Service for Master Deputy Bradley Link will be
MINNEOLA – When the Lake Minneola High School football season kicks off later this
South Lake High School's quarterback Tre Kelly is poised to be a breakout star
Macey Campbell who contributed heavily to Leesburg High's trumendous girls basketball season earlier this
MOUNT DORA, Fla. — Beckham Stirling, an incoming senior at Mount Dora Christian Academy,
What is the value of good coaching? Some teams succeed even without it, but
In a groundbreaking move to bridge education and industry, Space Florida, the state’s aerospace
"The next generation of stars are always somewhere at the AAU Junior Olympic Games.
Mount Dora, FL – Tyler McClinton-Hutto, who is coming into his senior year at
Just when we received news that the Leesburg Walmart will be phasing out most
As the 2024 high school football season is almost upon us, South Lake High
Stoneybrook Karate in Winter Garden may be a single-location martial arts school, but its