Brady Montrowl Lake Minneola High School’s Brady Montrowl is more than just a
Jasmine Lawrence Tavares High School senior Jasmine Lawrence views softball as more than
Fourth-year Umatilla High School head baseball coach Tanner Clark has quickly established himself as a
Natalie Doan Mount Dora Christian Academy senior basketball star Natalie Doan wasn’t always
Cody Zilcosky South Sumter High School senior Cody Zilcosky isn’t just a champion
Molly O’Hara is not your typical high school freshman. The 14-year-old East Ridge High
Zion McRae As Zion McRae enters her senior year at The Villages High
For Leesburg High School basketball standouts Angelo Moton and Tyler Green, the upcoming season
Southeast Christian College (SCC) is bringing the powerful blend of faith and athletics to
Trinidy Harris Trinidy Harris is regarded as one of the best basketball players
Eustis High School Basketball Coach Wesley Green is one of the biggest things to
Kai Evans Lake Minneola High School’s Kai Evans is poised to solidify his
Ivy Valenta Make Minneola High School cheerleader Ivy Valenta’s passion for cheer is
Xavier Irizarry stands on the cusp of what promises to be an exciting chapter
Uriah Maynard Running back Uriah Maynard, a senior at East Ridge High School,
Sibling rivalries can be intense in the world of high school football, but the
Hannah Douglas Mount Dora High School senior Hannah Douglas became one of Lake
Malakhi Boone South Sumter High School three-sport star Malakhi Boone has been a
Bryce Norflee Tyler Davis wakes up every day thankful he gets to rise
Brooke Fintak You’d never guess that Eustis High School (EHS) volleyball player Brooke